Webinar on Biocatalysis with INTERfaces contribution

We are happy to announce the next webinar in the 2021 Webinar Biocatalysis Cycle. Our academic beneficiaries Fernando López Gallego and Vicente Gotor-Fernández are coordinating it in the frame of a Spanish network on Biocatalysis (RTBIOCAT).

Wednesday, 22th of September at 15:00 (CET), you will have the chance to listen to Katarzyna Swiderek, Ana Beloqui, Juan Mangas-Sánchez and Juan Manuel Bolivar (INTERfaces academic beneficiary) who will be the keynote speakers. Keep posted during the next months to hear about many more interesting lectures to follow.

This webinar is free and in English!

Link: https://zoom.us/j/97738601473?pwd=bWlld2d2cmxnK3RpQTFGM3daYXVSUT09


Sep 22 2021