Chiara Danielli (ESR) was remotely part of the Trieste NEXT2020. This year’s theme was „Science for the future“ and Trieste Next2020 consists in a cycle of talks and conferences related to the main theme. There are always also various stands in Trieste’s main square, where different research groups present to the general public their work and research through a series of interactive activities (games, videos, etc.). Due to Corona Chiara could not be there physically but she prepared a great video introducing the research projects in her group. Prof. Gardossi’s research group was given a stand where PhD students hosting the stand were explaining the content of the video (w/o audio).

Further information can be found here:

Official TriesteNEXT website
Introduction about TriesteNEXT on the Municipality of Trieste webpage
Brief post about TriesteNEXT on La Stampa, one of the largest national italian newspapers