Here they are again!!! This week INTERfaces holds its thirdITN Event – “Systematic Assembly School” and INTErfaces ESR´s can meet again.

So great to see all of “our” ESRs (Seika Ishii, Luisa Maren Merz, Kamela Myrtollari, Antía Pintor Labandeira, Karishma Shah, Nicoletta Cascelli, Lucija Ružić, Nicolette Czarnievicz, Iulia Rădoi, Jakub F. Kornecki, Chiara Danielli, Božidar Duić, Milica Milić and Philipp Petermeier) again, and hopefully for the last time “only” on-line. As during the last event the teaching is going to be stretched out over the next weeks and this time CICbiomaGUNE is our host lead by Fernando López Gallego and with the help of Nicolette Czarnievicz and Jakub F. Kornecki. We hope they enjoy the time together and learn a lot in the lectures of our PIs and other teachers!!!