Chiara Danielli and Iulia-Ioana Rădoi (ESRs) participated together with their supervisor Prof. Lucia Gardossi in the conference IFIB2020 „International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy“ 1-2.10.20, Rome, Italy. There they presented two posters: “Renewable Composite Materials for Sustainable Immobilization of Industrial Biocatalysts” and „Bio-based polyesters as part of circular bioeconomy design and enzymatic synthesis“. IFIB is a pre-arranged face-to-face bilateral meetings (B2B) between Startups, Companies, Universities, public and private Research Centres in the field of industrial biotechnology and bioeconomy.“

Further information can be found here:
IFIB 2020
IFIB 2020 Conference and Brokerage Event
IFIB 2020 International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy